Before you start reading... Take a few deep breaths, quiet your mind, Then begin.

I wake up every morning
With doubt in my mind
Do I still have my powers
Sometimes it’s hard to find
I gaze upon the Garden
From the shower that I’m in
The water does guide
But the garden connects within
The power is awareness
That is the clue that you get
Hurry up, and get dry
So we can all get wet
The garden says good morning
I reluctantly respond
realisation, I've got my powers back
It was here all along
The morning shine glisens
Diamonds apon my skin
The lather of the soap washes
The darkness on my chin
I notice the birds churping
As I reach for my towel
The day has dawned, I tell myself
As I begin to yawn
The light ignites the spark in me
Everything starts to shine
I see with my eyes and my heart
Not just my mind
I am no longer the man i was
I left him, a few weeks ago
The world is brighter now
I rise to say hello