Originally written on the 6th October 2018 at 9:21am
There are levels to this It’s like a game, or Traversing the school grades My awakening has lasted 8 months and counting. The first 2 weeks, it was super intense Like an acid trip or DMT experience My Spirit was activated the ride was wild The places I went and the things I saw It was like, the best sci-fi show. I’ve had the time of my life I’ve only just begun. Then lessons of the Mind, Let’s have some fun You need to understand Mr ego, He’s the number one man Your number one fan. I learned all the tools, that I needed to win the battle of my mind.
The battle of sin. To see how the mind works, So it can become an ally. Once you clear all your junk From your ego mind Then your mind is clear, all of the time. Your thoughts & memories Become new tools Just like your emotions, You’re no longer the fool. When your mind is still You can feel lots more, This is when emotions, Can open the doors. Now to the body, I’m in body awareness, With a still mind. I can feel the clearest All of the time, I can feel my body, My chakras vibrating to help me indicate and read my new reality My surroundings, people and situations. Come together with dazzling clarity. Its when you can master, all three sates, mind, body and spirit Together and as one, Only then you’re ready, To go on as a fully conscious being Continue to discover that
I am
All that is From now it opens to uncharted territory I trust, I’m excited because I know, I have love, I have faith This is how I roll. I am consciousness incarnate I am in flow.